The Social and Cultural Functions of the Lebanese Hezbollah Movement; Its Roots and Achievements
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Published: 1 January 2020 | Article Type :Abstract
Hezbollah is one of the most influential Islamist political groups in the West Asian region and in the Islamic world, which was formed in particular by the teachings of the Islamic Revolution of Iran. Due to the specific internal situation in Lebanon as well as the widespread crises of the West Asian region, this group has always faced many challenges, albeit significantly and adapting itself to the challenges and opportunities, as one of the most influential political forces in the region. On the other hand, domestic and regional necessities require Hezbollah to carry out its activities in the political and social spheres. For this reason, the main question of the present study is what is the main reason for the continued sustained influence of Hezbollah both domestically and regionally? Accordingly, the hypothesis of the paper is that Hezbollah's transition from an ideological force to a socio-political movement has strengthened and sustained it domestically and regionally. The theoretical framework used in this study begins with a critique of the views expressed on the formation of movements in the Islamic world, and the view that "the role of opinion and ideology in the formation of Islamic movements" is expressed as a theoretical framework. According to this view, the ideology and beliefs of Islamist groups play an important role in shaping and sustaining their lives in the contemporary era.
Keywords: Hezbollah, Middle East, Political Movement, Cultural Functions, Society.

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How to Cite
Abdolreza Alishahi, Zahra Hossein Pour. (2020-01-01). "The Social and Cultural Functions of the Lebanese Hezbollah Movement; Its Roots and Achievements." *Volume 2*, 1, 1-11